Thursday, October 11, 2012

Words of Wisdom...

It is not easy to live life sometimes, and face the world with a smile when you're crying inside. It takes a lot of courage to reach down inside yourself, hold on to that strength that's still there, and know that tomorrow is a new day with new possibilities. But if you can hold on long enough to this, you'll come out a new person. Stronger, with more understanding and with a new pride in yourself from knowing that you made it. Just because you fell apart doesn't mean you're broken. Have Faith and never, ever give up!!! :)

Allah knows what's hidden in the deep recesses of our hearts. Those feelings of pain, anguish, resentment, love, hatred, bitterness, longing, etc. that we so successfully hide from everyone else, including our closest family members and friends.

So why not let it all out. Why not let Allah be your "therapist". Let your prayer mat be your "couch" while you reveal and ask the One who is in control, Who knows you better than you know yourself, for all that you want

The home is the child’s first classroom.
Parents are influential in shaping not only their children observable behavior, but also their reactions and attitudes. Also the way a child is treated by his parents largely determines how he will treat other people later in their life , and Children follow more what parents do than what parents say.
So be wise models to your children and be careful - They are watching you live your life

[all taken from :-]

Satu dosa jika anak anak tidak medoakan ibu bapa mereka- Ustaz Dasuki-tv 9 now. Apa lagi kalau kita merasa sakit hati pada ibu bapa. Jom ubah bagi sesiapa yang ada masaalah dgn ibu bapa- Kenangkan masa kita baru lahir segala kebaikan yang di beri oleh ibu bapa. Bagi mereka yang masih tidak dapat memaafkan ibu bapa cuba kenang bagaimana hasil kehidupan kita- apakah ia bertambah baik? Jika kita mahu Allah ampunkan kita kita harus maafkan semua orang apatah lagi ibu bapa sendiri- Selagi tidak memaafkan selagi ego dan semakin dekat dengan syaitan . Bayangkan sakratul maut, alam barzah, padang mahsyar, menerima buku timbangan dan melalui titian sirat kita setiap kali membuat keputusan dalam fikiran , emosi dan tindakan kita. Jom audit diri

[taken from Prof Dr Muhaya's ]

Im feeling down. So i need more words of wisdom to digest within myself. [There are more in the facebook. That's why i still need my facebook account.] untuk lebih muhasabah diri.... I paste some here, just to share...

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